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on saturday we crashed a halloween party with some good friends of ours.


then we headed out into the rain for some trick-or-treating.  at first noah didn’t really want to go to the front door of the houses but once he realized he would get some candy he was all about it.  that’s my boy!


notice i am carrying noah’s hat in this picture.  he decided he didn’t want to wear it for some reason.  oh well!


here’s our little family minus daddy {who was out of town}


Yesterday morning I snuck out of the house at 7:15 a.m. to hit up all the local garage sales with my friend Katie.  I have been wanting to go for a while but finally got the chance to go this weekend.


I got this set of small Christmas trees at the first sale we went to. I only paid $.75 for both of them!! I have been wanting a little tree for possibly my entry way and my kitchen. Now I can have one for both! I love that the trunks of the trees are wrapped in burlap.

My best steal of the day though was a framed mirror. I paid $9.00 for it which I didn’t think was bad considering it’s size. I probably could have paid less but the seller wasn’t there at the moment I was trying to strike up a deal. {it was a community type garage sale}

Here it is in it’s original state.


I LOVE IT!!. I have been finishing up a makeover of our master bedroom {more on that to come soon} and this mirror was just what I needed for one wall. I love it when things fall into place! The mirror was gray when I bought but it didn’t stay that color for long. I already put one coat of paint on it and it is drying as we speak.

I need to try to get out and go to garage sales more often. It definitely can be hit or miss but that is part of the adventure right? Thanks Katie for a fun morning!

Last week the whole family got to go on a walk together one afternoon. We decided to test LB² out in his “big boy” seat and he LOVED it! He loved getting to look around. Have I mentioned that I LOVE our stroller? Have I said LOVE enough in this post yet? 🙂 HA!





Look at that big ol’ smile on his little face. Told you he loved it!



Welcome to my little corner of the world. Nothing too serious here for you to read about. Just the comings and goings of my day to day life. I blog about the trials of being a military wife, tales of my role as “Mommy Dear”, recipes I love, my DIY projects, and our home renovations. Happy reading!